Spring Boot Microservice Project - Shopping Cart App | GitHub

In this post, we would like to suggest a free open-source project that is Shopping Cart App developed using Microservice Architecture Pattern, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud for learning purposes. So go ahead, check out the source code, and have a hands-on experience on real-time project.

Shopping Cart App project is an open-source and available on GitHub repository - https://github.com/sivaprasadreddy/spring-boot-microservices-series.

Spring Boot Microservice Project - Shopping Cart App

This is a shopping cart application developed using Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud.
Here are the microservices:
  1. catalog-service: It provides REST API to provide catalog information like products.
  2. inventory-service: It provides a REST API to manage product inventory.
  3. cart-service: It provides a REST API to hold the customer cart details.
  4. order-service: It provides a REST API to manage orders.
  5. customer-service: It provides a REST API to manage customer information.
  6. shoppingcart-ui: It is a customer-facing front-end web application.
Step by step tutorial series at https://sivalabs.in/categories/microservices

Running Shopping Cart App in Local or Docker

Start each microservice either in local or in docker:

Local: spring-boot-microservices-series/catalog-service> ./mvnw spring-boot:run

Docker: spring-boot-microservices-series> ./run.sh start <service>

Ex: spring-boot-microservices-series> ./run.sh start catalog-service

  • MySQL container:

    • hostname: mysqldb
    • Ports : 3306:3306 (<host_port>:<container_port>)
    • Username/Password: root/admin
  • RabbitMQ:

    • hostname: rabbitmq
    • Ports: 5672:5672, 15672:15672
    • Admin UI: http://localhost:15672
    • Username/password: guest/guest
  • Vault:

    • hostname: vault
    • Ports: 8200:8200
    • Root token: 934f9eae-31ff-a8ef-e1ca-4bea9e07aa09
  • config-server:

  • service-registry:

  • hystrix-dashboard:

  • catalog-service:

  • inventory-service

  • order-service

  • shoppingcart-ui

