Spring Boot @EnableFeignClients Example

1. Introduction

Feign is a declarative web service client that makes writing web service clients easier and more concise. In the Spring Boot ecosystem, the @EnableFeignClients annotation enables the Feign support. This annotation is used in conjunction with interface definitions that declare REST endpoints to be called. This blog post will provide an example of how to use the @EnableFeignClients annotation to create a simple Feign client within a Spring Boot application.

Key Points:

1. @EnableFeignClients triggers the scanning of interfaces that declare they are Feign clients.

2. Feign abstracts away the boilerplate code needed for calling REST services, such as making HTTP requests and processing responses.

3. The interfaces define the service endpoints and parameters, and Feign generates the implementation at runtime.

4. Feign integrates seamlessly with Spring MVC annotations.

5. It also supports Spring's @RequestMapping annotations and parameter decorators like @PathVariable, @RequestParam, etc.

2. Implementation Steps

1. Add the Spring Cloud Feign starter dependency to your Spring Boot project.

2. Create a Feign client interface using Spring MVC annotations to map HTTP requests and responses.

3. Annotate the application's main class or a configuration class with @EnableFeignClients.

4. Autowire the Feign client in a service or controller and use it to call remote services.

5. Start the Spring Boot application and test the Feign client.

3. Implementation Example

// Step 1: Add the Spring Cloud OpenFeign starter dependency to your build file (pom.xml or build.gradle)

// Step 2: Create a Feign client interface to interact with an external RESTful service
@FeignClient(name = "posts-client", url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com")
public interface PostClient {

    List<Post> getPosts();

    Post getPostById(@PathVariable("id") Long id);

// Define a simple domain class to represent the posts
public class Post {
    private Long id;
    private String title;
    private String body;
    // Getters and setters

// Step 3: Enable Feign clients in your main application or configuration class
public class FeignClientApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(FeignClientApplication.class, args);

// Step 4: Autowire the Feign client interface and use it in your service or controller
public class PostController {

    private final PostClient postClient;

    public PostController(PostClient postClient) {
        this.postClient = postClient;

    public List<Post> getPosts() {
        return postClient.getPosts();

    public Post getPost(@PathVariable Long id) {
        return postClient.getPostById(id);

// Step 5: Run the application and test the endpoints
// Start the Spring Boot application and access the endpoints provided by PostController.


// When you hit the /proxy/posts endpoint, it will return a list of posts obtained through the Feign client.
// Hitting /proxy/posts/1 will return the post with id 1, also retrieved through the Feign client.


1. @FeignClient: This annotation marks an interface as a Feign client. It specifies the name of the client and the base URL of the targeted REST service.

2. @GetMapping: Used to map the HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods, making it a perfect fit for RESTful services.

3. List<Post> and Post: These are domain classes used to bind the JSON response from the REST service to Java objects.

4. @PathVariable: Indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a URI template variable.

5. @EnableFeignClients: Placed on the main application class to enable the discovery of Feign clients by Spring.

6. PostController: A standard Spring MVC controller that uses the Feign client to proxy requests to the external RESTful service.

7. postClient.getPosts() and postClient.getPostById(id): Methods used to call the external REST service via Feign client interface.

8. SpringApplication.run(): This static method runs the Spring Boot application, which will automatically register our Feign client and enable its functionality.
