Spring Boot JPA @Temporal Example

1. Introduction

In the context of Spring Boot and JPA (Java Persistence API), managing date and time fields in entities is a common task. JPA provides the @Temporal annotation to map java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar to SQL date and time types. This blog post will discuss how to use the @Temporal annotation in Spring Boot JPA to properly map and persist these temporal types.

Key Points:

1. @Temporal is used to map java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar properties in an entity to the corresponding SQL date or time types.

2. It allows the developer to specify how the date or time should be stored in the database using TemporalType.DATE, TemporalType.TIME, or TemporalType.TIMESTAMP.

3. TemporalType.DATE stores only the date component (year, month, day).

4. TemporalType.TIME stores only the time component (hours, minutes, seconds).

5. TemporalType.TIMESTAMP stores both the date and time components.

2. Implementation Steps

1. Add the Spring Boot starter data JPA dependency to your project.

2. Create an entity class with java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar fields.

3. Annotate these fields with @Temporal and specify the TemporalType.

4. Implement a repository interface extending JpaRepository for your entity.

5. Use the repository in your service layer to save and retrieve entity instances.

6. Run the application and verify the persisted date and time fields in the database.

3. Implementation Example

// Step 1: Define an Entity class with temporal fields
public class Event {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;

    private String title;

    // Step 2: Annotate the temporal field with @Temporal
    private Date eventTimestamp;

    // Standard getters and setters

// Step 3: Create a repository interface for the Event entity
public interface EventRepository extends JpaRepository<Event, Long> {

// Step 4: Use the repository in a service class to manage Event entities
public class EventService {
    private final EventRepository eventRepository;

    public EventService(EventRepository eventRepository) {
        this.eventRepository = eventRepository;

    public Event createEvent(String title, Date timestamp) {
        Event event = new Event();
        return eventRepository.save(event);

    // Additional service methods

// Step 5: Optionally, create a REST Controller to expose the functionality to create an event
public class EventController {
    private final EventService eventService;

    public EventController(EventService eventService) {
        this.eventService = eventService;

    public Event createEvent(@RequestBody Event event) {
        return eventService.createEvent(event.getTitle(), event.getEventTimestamp());

// Step 6: Run the Spring Boot application
public class TemporalAnnotationExampleApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(TemporalAnnotationExampleApplication.class, args);

// Use the REST controller to create an event and verify that the eventTimestamp field is correctly persisted.


// Assuming you've made a POST request to /api/events with the following JSON payload:
    "title": "Spring Boot JPA Event",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-08T12:34:56.789+0000"
// The response will be something like:
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Spring Boot JPA Event",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-08T12:34:56.789+0000"
// And in the database, the event_timestamp column for this entity will have the timestamp "2023-11-08 12:34:56.789".


1. @Entity: Indicates that the Event class is a JPA entity.

2. @Id and @GeneratedValue: Annotations that specify the primary key of the entity and the generation strategy for its value.

3. @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP): Indicates that the eventTimestamp field should be persisted as a SQL TIMESTAMP in the database.

4. EventRepository: The repository interface that extends JpaRepository to handle CRUD operations for Event entities.

5. EventService: A service class that uses EventRepository to create new Event records.

6. @Service: Marks EventService as a service bean in the Spring context.

7. EventController: A REST controller that allows clients to create events via HTTP POST requests.

8. @RestController and @RequestMapping: Annotations to define RESTful endpoints.

9. @PostMapping: Maps the HTTP POST requests to the createEvent method.

10. @RequestBody: Indicates that a method parameter should be bound to the body of the web request.

11. TemporalAnnotationExampleApplication: The main application class that is annotated with @SpringBootApplication.

12. SpringApplication.run(): Boots up the Spring Boot application, initializing the JPA entity manager and creating the web server context.
