Spring Boot Angular Project - Reddit Clone Application

In this post, we would like to suggest a free open-source project that is the Reddit Clone Application developed using Spring Boot and Angular for learning purposes. So go ahead, check out the source code, and have a hands-on experience on real-time project.

Reddit Clone Application project is open-source and available on GitHub repository.
Spring Boot Project - https://github.com/SaiUpadhyayula/spring-reddit-clone

Spring Boot Angular Project - Reddit Clone Application

Reddit Clone application developed using Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, MySQL on the back-end side and on the front end we will be using Angular 9 and Bootstrap 4.

This app uses Token Based Authentication in the form of JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Check out the complete tutorial to develop this project at https://programmingtechie.com/2020/05/14/building-a-reddit-clone-with-spring-boot-and-angular/

Here are some screenshots of the application:

Home Page:

Create Post Page:


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