Spring Boot @EnableDiscoveryClient Example

1. Introduction

In today's microservices-driven architecture, service discovery plays a critical role in locating various microservices within a network. Spring Boot facilitates this with the @EnableDiscoveryClient annotation, which makes your application register with a discovery server like Eureka, Consul, or ZooKeeper. This blog post will provide an example of how to use @EnableDiscoveryClient in a Spring Boot application.

Key Points:

1. @EnableDiscoveryClient enables a Spring Boot application to be discovered by supported service registries.

2. It is part of the Spring Cloud suite, which provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems.

3. When included in an application, it allows services to find and communicate with each other without hardcoding hostname and port.

4. The actual implementation of the discovery client depends on the classpath and the specific discovery server used.

5. This annotation is neutral and works with various discovery services like Eureka, Consul, and ZooKeeper.

2. Implementation Steps

1. Include the Spring Cloud starter dependency for the discovery service of your choice in your build configuration.

2. Add the @EnableDiscoveryClient annotation to your main application class or a configuration class.

3. Configure the necessary properties to connect to the discovery server in your application.properties or application.yml file.

4. Create a REST controller or service that you want to register with the service discovery.

5. Run your application and verify that it has registered with the discovery server.

3. Implementation Example

// Step 1: Add Spring Cloud Eureka client dependency to your build configuration (Maven or Gradle)

// Step 2: Annotate your main application or configuration class with @EnableDiscoveryClient
public class DiscoveryClientApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(DiscoveryClientApplication.class, args);

// Step 3: Configure application properties to connect to the discovery server

// Step 4: Create a REST controller that will be discovered via Eureka
public class ServiceInstanceRestController {

    public String serviceInstanceInfo() {
        return "This is an instance of the discovery client!";

// Step 5: Run the application
// Use your IDE or the command line to start the Spring Boot application.


// The console output will show messages related to the registration with Eureka:
Registered with Eureka with status UP
// When you access the REST endpoint /instance-info, you will get:
This is an instance of the discovery client!


1. @EnableDiscoveryClient: This annotation is added to the main application class, enabling it to register with a service discovery mechanism.

2. @SpringBootApplication: Serves as an entry point for Spring Boot applications and enables auto-configuration, component scanning, and configuration properties support.

3. eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone: Specifies the URL of the Eureka server where the application should register.

4. eureka.instance.preferIpAddress: Advises Eureka to use the application's IP address for communication rather than its hostname.

5. ServiceInstanceRestController: This is a simple REST controller that exposes an endpoint for testing purposes.

6. @RestController: Indicates that the ServiceInstanceRestController class is a REST controller, and its methods return domain objects instead of views.

7. @GetMapping("/instance-info"): Maps HTTP GET requests onto the serviceInstanceInfo method.

8. SpringApplication.run(): Starts the Spring Boot application and automatically registers with Eureka thanks to @EnableDiscoveryClient.
