Spring Boot React JWT Authentication Example

In this post, you will get the source code (download the source code) of the Spring boot React JWT authentication example.

This source code example shows you how to set up Spring Security with JWT authentication with a full-stack application using React as Frontend framework and Spring Boot as the backend REST API.

Download the source code of this example from the GitHub repository at https://github.com/RameshMF/spring-boot-react-fullstack-examples/tree/master/spring-boot-react-jwt-auth-login-logout

Spring Boot React JWT Authentication Example

The following screenshot shows the application demo:

We would request the user for authentication credentials on the login page.

Once the user is authenticated using JWT Authentication, we show the course details page.

User would be able to logout by clicking the logout button.

Understanding Full Stack Architecture

Following Screenshot shows the architecture of the application we would create:

Important points to note:
  • REST API is exposed using Spring Boot
  • REST API is secured using Spring Security - JWT Auth
  • REST API is consumed from React Frontend to present the UI
  • React App uses the Axios HTTP library to make a REST API call.
  • The Database, in this example, is a hardcoded in-memory static list.

